Our Policies

QUALITY POLICY (POL.KYM/Y.22.02.2012/Rev.01)
  • To adopt and implement the benefit of the society, environmental consciousness, and human health and safety approaches as a basic policy, 
  • To be aware of the importance of commitments made in customer relations and always act accordingly, 
  • To offer a timely, error-free, economical, reliable, and world-class service with its expert staff in the sector, without sacrificing service quality by adopting the perfect application as a principle, 
  • To increase the competitiveness of the company within the country and abroad by following the updated technologies and innovations and consequently by being open to progress, 
  • To ensure the most effective and dynamic participation of the employees by assigning responsibility and authority to them.    

  • To show the maximum effort needed for the recognition and improvement of environmental consciousness.
  • To be in full compliance with environment-oriented rules and criteria ordered by the relevant standards, regulations, and laws,
  • To inform all our employees, as well as the employees of the subcontractors, employers, and our visitors in accordance with the aim and spirit of our environmental policy,
  • To encourage the employees' participation in the protection of the environment-oriented standards and related activities, to increase their contribution to this issue,
  • To determine the environmental aspects of our projects and project-based goals, take necessary measures and initiatives in order to prevent environmental pollution and achieve targets,
  • During the execution of the works, to use the natural resources (water - electricity – fuel – etc.) efficiently and to prevent unconscious consumptions,
  • To raise awareness of all employees by providing training on environmental pollution, environmental impacts, environmental aspects, environmental activities to influence their behavior both in their business and social environments.

  • As ÖZGÜN İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ., with the awareness that the most important factor that leads our company to success is our employees; we are committed to establish and steadily improve the mutual trust, understanding and cooperation between the employees and the company administration by using effective communication methods,
  • To create and apply effective training programs for the employees with the purpose of orientation to the job, to ensure the improvement of their technical and professional skills,  and to strengthen the understanding of Quality Management among all employees,
  • To assign the right person for the right job by taking into consideration the specific requirements of the relevant job and the skillset of the employee; ensuring the individual development by bringing together the expectations of the employees and the targets of the company,
  • To take the necessary measures with the objective of an accident-free workplace,
  • With the awareness that the most important factor that brings our company to success is our employees; to create the necessary environment and conditions to increase the motivation and perpetuate loyalty of the employees towards the company,
  • To establish and improve the systems needed for developing teamwork, individual creativity, and the spirit of cooperation,
  • To comply with all legal regulations and other requirements regarding Occupational Health and Safety.
  • To eliminate hazards in the construction site environment and workspace, reduce occupational health and safety (OHS) risks and continuously improve the occupational safety and health management system.
  • To establish an effective system of consultation and participation of employees and employee representatives.